The Mask Messenger Workshop – from a 10 year old…

Masked Jocey

Well as you see in the photo over there – I`m in a mask!

This mask was used in the show on Sunday, Feb 22nd presented by Razzamataz Kids` Shows! But as you can also see from the title, I’m not talking about the show, I will be talking about a workshop my class and I got to do.

On Monday, Feb 23rd Rob Faust brought in some of his masks (he made them himself in 40 hours+- per mask). He also told us about how he made some of the masks. One of the masks was made out of leather, another of plastic, another of plaster and others of wood. Most were made from wood. He also told us that he had based one of them on Eleanor Roosevelt!

Anyway we got to try on some of the masks and act as the masks character.  I thought it was awesome! He asked if we thought it was harder or easier than we thought I said, “I think it was harder cause you’re trying not to be yourself. I think that most people thought the same way. My classmate responded, “I think it was easy because I chose a mask that basically is me.”  That response was the one that I thought most about because this was an interesting way to approach choosing a mask.

Anyway, I think it was totally worth it!

If you hear his name, Rob Faust or Faustwork Mask Theatre you should go and see him.

I loved it!   


  1. Who was that masked student!? Great review; many thanks to the mystery 10-year-old.
    As arts presenters go, Razzamatazz is as good as it gets, and I’ve worked with many organizations over the years. Everyone on the Razz team was organized, professional, and personable. The audience was receptive and attentive, from age to three to….people of a certain age! Students and teachers at the workshops were focused and fun-loving, needed attributes for going BEHIND THE MASK!
    I hope everyone in Haliburton and environs realizes what a treasure Razzamatazz is to the community, and continues to support them by taking advantage of the variety of cultural arts they bring to audiences of all ages. And I hope Faustwork Mask Theatre has the privilege to bring other shows to Haliburton in coming seasons.
    With Gratitude,
    Rob Faust

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